Our Blog


Posted: May 9, 2018
By: Dr. Kevin Jackson

33% INCREASE IN LUNG CAPACITY - This gentleman (picture used with permission) has had long term COPD.
His lung capacity tests scored 33% better this year vs last year. 
After 1 year of regular chiropractic maintenance care he can breathe much better and do more!! 
#vitalism #chiropracticincreasesnervefunction

York Robothinkers

Posted: November 19, 2017
By: Dr. Kevin Jackson

We were blessed to have the York Robothinkers visit the office today with Ray Ames. Ray is leading these smart young people to plan and build solutions for water transportation in Africa.

They learned about spinal biomechanics and nervous system function as it may relate to the design and function of their prototype.

Best wishes York Robothinkers!!

Standing Up for Chiropractic

Posted: February 24, 2017
By: Dr. Kevin Jackson

Dr. Selina Sigafoose Jackson testifying at the Council of Chiropractic Education (CCE) hearing today in Washington DC, on behalf of the International Chiropractic Association (ICA).

Standing up for chiropractic with passion to keep pharmaceuticals out of our profession ... She continuously loves, gives and serves asking for nothing in return.

Cervical Artery Dissection

Posted: December 22, 2016
By: Dr. Kevin Jackson

CERVICAL ARTERY DISSECTION - This awesome young man was involved in a serious motorcycle accident. He suffered a CAD and from the accident and almost died (the arterial dissection wasn't detected until a few days later.)

He is now in rehab as well as chiropractic care. He comes in for specific adjustments to get his nervous system functioning better. He says he's feeling better with chiropractic and requested to come in today 


Concussion Prevention

Posted: November 3, 2016
By: Dr. Kevin Jackson


For anyone interested in concussions that occur during the game of football please review the 2 YouTube links below. (PLEASE SHARE WITH COACHES / PLAYERS)



25 Years in Practice

Posted: October 7, 2016
By: Dr. Kevin Jackson

25 Years in Practice Today at Sigafoose and Jackson

This beautiful lady is 96 and has been a patient in our office since day 1. She takes no medication and is expressing great health in all areas of her life.

We are looking forward to serving people with chiropractic for another 25 years!

30 Years of Neck Pain and Spasm

Posted: May 3, 2016
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

FEELING PUNY - this gentleman know as "big" is almost 7 feet tall and well over 300 pounds. He's the nicest guy on the planet!!! I'm 6 feet 200 pounds and I definitely call him "sir."

He said he had 30 years of neck pain and spasm and after 1 adjustment (occiput lift) he is feeling no pain!!

I'm very happy he felt better, he could definitely palm my head like a basketball!

York Daily Record News Article

Posted: January 28, 2016
By: Dr Kevin Jackson
Shovel much? How to help an aching back
York County chiropractor offers tips to alleviate post-shoveling pain.

Laura Sandmann was outside shoveling the snow in her York city backyard for about 30 minutes Saturday when she first felt the pain. Then it started spreading throughout her whole back.

"I love to shovel, actually," said Sandmann, 34.

When she was younger, she would make clubs and rooms out of the snow.

"I was going to build some of them with my girls when it started," she said of her back pain.

Soon the soreness became unbearable. By Tuesday, Sandmann said, she'd been suffering from the pain for four days, and was barely able to move.

"I could feel the lower third of my back tighten and it got stiffer," Sandmann said.

Sound familiar?

Since Friday evening, people across the midstate have been seen attempting to control the amount of snow landing on their sidewalks and driveways. And all that shoveling — especially when it's moving 30-plus inches of snow — can often lead to back pain.

Still looking for some relief? Here are some tips that could help ease the soreness.

You're not alone

Sigafoose & Jackson Chiropractic on East Market Street in Springettsbury Township saw a few new and familiar faces this week, said employee Adriannah Stisak. However, the increase is "pretty normal for this time of year."

It takes time

Still, recovering from shoveling can take a few days, especially when individuals are not used to working those muscles, said Dr. Selina Sigafoose-Jackson, who co-owns the practice with her husband, Dr. Kevin Jackson.

The most important part of recovery? Don't stress. Be patient with your body.

Know when to call the doctor

If pain persists after about five to seven days, then it's time to call your family doctor or chiropractor.

Grab some ice and rest

"Use ice because it is irritated, but many will find that using medication only masks (injuries) instead of treating," Sigafoose-Jackson said.

Instead, Sigafoose-Jackson suggested resting in the following position:
  • Lie with your back on the seat of your couch or a chair.
  • Prop your legs against the back of the furniture, with your body forming an L-shape. 
  • Put an ice pack under your lower back or under the middle of your back, or other affected area, for at least 10-15 minutes. Resting this way takes pressure off the discs in your back, and the ice penetrates the muscles that need to be repaired. 
Stay hydrated
Sigafoose-Jackson also stressed the importance of constant hydration.
"Drink a lot of water to hydrate discs, ligaments and muscles -- hydration brings suppleness to help all tissues work better for you."
So rest up, drink up and feel the pain slowly melt away.
(Photos: Kate Penn, York Daily Record)

No More Hypothyroidism

Posted: January 28, 2016
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

NO MORE HYPOTHYROIDISM - this lovely lady came in today and said, "her hypothyroidism totally cleared and no longer takes medication."

She went on to say she noticed things starting to change after being under care for awhile, and now she doesn't take the meds anymore!

We weren't treating her hypothyroidism, we were simply checking and adjusting her cervical spine as needed. She understands that her body regained better function because her nervous system was functioning better.

SHE IS EXTREMELY HAPPY :)smile emoticon

Glaucoma Healing

Posted: October 16, 2015
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

NO PRESSURE - this wonderful man had glaucoma in his right eye. Pressure was 22 in right and also 19 in left. After getting his C1 checked and adjusted as needed over the past 3 months he reports 16 right and 16 left.

He accredits his glaucoma healing from prayer, upper cervical adjustments and supplements. His ophthalmologist is amazed! :)
