Football Player Comes in for Maintenance
Big Joe is 18 and 6'7" 290! Playing football at Bloomberg U. Comes in for maintenance and to slap me around a bit ... humbling :)
Big Joe is 18 and 6'7" 290! Playing football at Bloomberg U. Comes in for maintenance and to slap me around a bit ... humbling :)
Had a wonderful young man visit the office today. He will be starting chiropractic school in the fall. Even though we didn’t talk much he really observed with a discerning eye. He made my day by coming to visit ... I know he will help many people and change many lives!
This momma was in labor for 9 hours and only a few pushes ... she attributes getting adjusted to making the delivery easier!
One of my favorite patients ... has been a wellness patient at our office for over 21 years. She is 93 and completely drug free!! Still drives and goes on cruises by herself all the time. Great example of living at FULL POTENTIAL!
After hearing that there is an "innate intelligence that runs your body" and that "your body is the best healer." Then experiencing first hand an adjustment at C1 and the subsequent effects on health and optimum function ... a patient in our office painted this 10' x 4' mural delivered and installed. What a beautiful way to begin Monday today!!
Off to Afghanistan ... he came in to see me before deploying tomorrow. GOD BLESS these young guys for leaving everything behind for our security and freedom!
Chiropractic Fellowship of Pennsylvania board meeting. According to the US Government chiropractic will grow 20% in the next decade and according to the Wall Street Journal its 11th out of 200 in best jobs in America 2013. If you are a Pa Chiropractor come join us at PCoP and discover all the wonderful things the future has in store. We are here to help you grow and be part of our huge vision of a healthier Pa. (JOIN and MAKE a DIFFERENCE)!!
Infant with failure to thrive and hepatitis for 3 months. Cleared C1 after 5 visits and now she's a little porker with a clear liver function! The momma and baby are happy!
Four years using a walker and today .... No Walker!!!! Thank God!!!
This wonderful lady came in after having three injections in her right eye. For the past several months, she could only see a black round circle. After a few weeks of getting her atlas (C1) adjusted she tells me her eye cleared up and she can now see clearly! The power of the body to heal itself is amazing!!!!!